DC1 212 Regulator Yoke 2010

руб450,00 руб470,00

Now have unlimited versatility in our top of the line regulator and a 5 out of 5 winner according to Scubalab.
We have just added a 5th low pressure that points directly down from the first stage providing easier hose routing for backmounted doubles, sidemount or even for recreational divers.

212 Second Stage:
  • Pneumatically balanced second stage.
  • Patented Dynamic Adjustment once set automatically maintains inhalation effort throughout the dive by compensating for depth changes.
DC1 1st Stage:
  • High performance over-balanced first stage provides progressively greater intermediate pressure as depth and gas density increases for superior gas delivery under the most extreme conditions.
  • Swivel turret allows for ideal low pressure hose routing.
  • Environmental sealing prevents internal corrosion, contaminants, and icing of the first stage.
  • Designed to withstand the rigorous CE standard for coldwater performance.
  • Patented Orthodontic Mouthpiece for comfort and reduced jaw fatigue.
  • Easy grip controls for precise adjustment even while wearing gloves.
  • Venturi Switch for simple Dive/Pre-Dive modes.
  • Nitrox compatible to 40%.
  • 2 high pressure ports.
  • 5 low pressure ports.

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